BiC x Dulux
「Let’s Colour 社區添色彩」
Since the outbreak of Coronavirus 2019, the residents of the home have been banned from going out and from visiting their relatives and friends, and they have been physically and mentally exhausted after 3 months of not leaving their homes. The partner organisation is Aberdeen Elderly Home, because some residents often leave the home without permission and forget the way to go home, the person in charge hopes that BiC can repaint the main door, so that the residents can enjoy the pictures instead of looking for the way out and stay in the home.
Special thanks to Dulux "Let's Colour" Paint Sponsorship Program.
2019冠狀病毒疫情爆發以來,安老院舍都實施了禁止院友外出及禁止親友探訪等安排,3個月來足不出戶,大家都感到身心疲倦。BiC不只在抗疫物資上提供援助,也希望照顧到大家心靈上的需要,以輕鬆的心情渡過疫境 。是次合作機構為香港仔海景護老院,因為有院友經常擅自離開院舍又忘記回家的路,負責人希望BiC可以為大門重新刷上圖畫,讓院友們欣賞圖畫而不再尋找離開的出口,好好地待在院舍。
特別鳴謝 Dulux「Let’s Colour 社區添色彩」漆油贊助計劃。